Watching the News For You.

HD News Clips

HD News Clips

HD News Clips
Your news clips provided in the highest video quality.

Metro Monitor records more news programs in High Definition video than any other news clipping service. From national news programs to local news in top media markets like San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, and Miami, we are recording in the highest video quality available. We even provide high definition news clips from mid-size markets such as Birmingham, St. Louis, and Austin. We continue to roll out HD recording to new markets on a regular basis. For a complete list of local markets we record in HD click here. We record HD news programs from over-the-air broadcast in pure, uncompressed HD, a higher quality video than what is provided through cable and satellite operators. This ensures that your HD news clip is provided in the highest video quality possible.

If you need a high quality version of your news coverage for presentations and archiving, HD is the way to go. Metro Monitor provides you with the same fast delivery for HD news clips that we do for our standard definition TV clips.

To order your news clips in HD:


or Call 800-861-5255

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