Watching the News For You.


Media Monitoring Tools for Reputation Management

Media monitoring is the practice of tracking and analyzing the media – including traditional outlets such as radio and television, as well as online sources such as social media and blogs – to see how a company or individual is being portrayed. This practice can be incredibly valuable for companies looking to manage their reputation, […]

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Media Monitoring is an Information Asset

Media monitoring is a strategic tool for organizations, allowing them to stay on top of what’s being said about their brand or company. It’s not just about monitoring the number of mentions, but also the sentiment and overall impact around those mentions. Maintaining a database that stores all your brand mentions, along with the sentiment […]

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Media Monitoring Services are not a Commodity

Over the past few years, there have been a large number of new companies entering the media monitoring services space. With all of these new services, it can be difficult to determine exactly which one will be the best fit for your organization. Many of the services appear to offer similar services. Our research of […]

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Benefits of Custom Media Monitoring Reports

When you’re responsible for tracking your company’s media coverage, it can be a time-consuming task that can get in the way of your other work. That’s why one of the best ways to reduce your workload and save time is to outsource this work to a media monitoring service. The goal of media monitoring is […]

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Media Measurement Tools for Public Relations

How do you know if your public relations efforts are paying off? When you’re planning a media campaign, it’s important to think about the ROI that you want to see and how you’ll measure it. Not only will this help you justify the budget for your campaign, but it will also help your team evaluate […]

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